We wish we didn’t have to say this. But we must.

Somehow, "American culture" it tied almost exclusively to "American politics.” Everything seems to be "too political," especially when it comes to any number or variety of personal or professional relationships.

More and more of our decisions about each other (and the society we live in) are driven by a political judgments and assessments first, especially when it comes to people.

We also make those judgments much, much, MUCH faster than we used to. And far, far, FAR too quickly. Our culture emphasizes the immediate hot take over any form of analysis. First on Twitter wins the debate, not the person with the best explanation. Or best solution. And God forbid we compromise on any political issue.

And most importantly, American politics has lost any sense of nuance or compromise.

We seek to reverse those trends. Our aim is simple: make politics boring again.

We believe “the personal is political.” And should be. But the political has now become too persona.

We are all a mix of liberal and conservative, but we’re not necessarily Democrats or Republicans. We are all a mix of religious adherents, agnostics, and atheists. We believe that history and traditions are important—as long as that history and those traditions are not weaponized to hurt people. We believe that the government that governs least, governs best, but government is never the enemy. If We the People are the government, we won’t declare our opponents as “enemies,” but we will absolutely respond in kind to those who label us “enemies” or “anti-American.”

We aren’t a Democratic or Republican law firm.

We aren’t a liberal or conservative law firm.

We will work with anyone affiliated with any political party (or none) who shares our desire to help us improve democracy in the United States and make our Constitutional republic better overall.